At UCSF, our learners approach health care challenges with critical thinking and a spirit of inquiry. As tomorrow's health and science leaders in training, UCSF students embody our passion for advancing the health of our communities.
MD Program: Admissions Instructions
Opportunities for Pre-Medical Students
Post Baccalaureate Program
We strongly recommend that premedical students pursue a four-year undergraduate curriculum and obtain a baccalaureate degree before entering medical school.
Visit the AMCAS site to submit your application and create Transcript Request Forms to send to the registrars of all colleges you have attended.
Make sure you will have completed all course requirements for admission to the UCSF School of Medicine by June of the year of entry.
Be sure that you have taken the MCAT by September of the year before intended entry into medical school.

Medical students at UCSF work collaboratively with interprofessional teams to provide compassionate patient care.
We support you at each stage of your career and at key milestones of the Bridges Curriculum.
Find tools and resources to succeed in medical school and beyond
- Review course and schedule information
- Access curricular materials
- Refer to guidelines & policies
- Get support through our career advising program
- Learn about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs
- Find other resources to support your journey through medical school at UCSF.

Bridges students advance patient care and systems improvement skills, while gaining knowledge of foundational sciences.
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Learning and development resources for residents, clinical fellows, faculty and program administration
- GME Grand Rounds

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Our faculty have high-intensity teaching roles, serving as course or clerkship directors, as well as coaches and mentors who guide medical students, residents and post-doctoral scholars to excellence in their fields.
Learning and development resources for residents, clinical fellows, faculty and program administration
- 蚂蚁vp(永久免费)
- For Volunteer Clinical Professors
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- Website Portal of Videos, Tips and Best Practices for Faculty Who Teach

Faculty serve as course or clerkship directors, coaches and mentors.
Our Office of Continuing Medical Education offers educational opportunities for physicians, nurses, physician assistants, dentists, and health care professionals to improve their practices through a comprehensive selection of continuing education activities. These include over 200 CME activities in most medical specialties serving over 35,000 participants annually.
Find resources for participants and presenters
- CME Course Calendar
- Presentation and Syllabus Guidelines

Health care professionals at UCSF advance their skills and expertise through CME courses and educational opportunities.